Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Spy sappin mah sentry

Really though.
Homework sappin mah free time.

I'm glad everyone enjoyed my heist of the Chemistry homework.

I think I've gotten a lot dorkier.
I find myself saying things no one else understands.
Like this title.

But I'm glad of it, I think last year I was too normal when it came to my speech.

Monday, August 25, 2008

"how does soap work to eliminate dirt"

School started.
This was my first homework assignment. 

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Abundant Bible

Go to, http://nevergonnagiveyoup.blogpsot.com/

It's not my blog.
But it's someone else's I guess.

Friday, August 22, 2008


I wish I could get rich.

I wish I could find a belt in real life and sell it for 65 gold pieces.

I wish that becoming someone's friend was just a /target away.

I wish I could stop playing this damn game.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I saw a 40 something man teaching another 40 something man to read.

I decided to check out an audio book.

Friday, August 15, 2008

I need more mana.

Someone said I view my self as an artist now.

Fuck art.
There is no such thing as art.

If blogs are art then they are shit.
If paintings are art then they are shit as well.
If video games are art then they are shit.
The shit goes on.

Their shittyness doesn't mean they're intolerable or horrid, shit is just a nice word to use.

Mortality is also shit, but for completely different reasons.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

It's a powerpoint

On the radio, some author with the last name Gosling (not to be confused with the movie star or baby goose) said that writers who use "I" a large amount of the time in their writing are usually heavily depressed and possibly even suicidal. 

My mom thought he was a smartie, so she told me to write down the name of his book.
Snoop I believe.

It sounds like I'm a viral marketing add.
But I'm not.

I drew a superhero.
And I was proud of him.
I've always hated everything I create.
Especially my drawings. And children.