Friday, December 10, 2010

2010 is a weird year.

i graduated this year

from highschool,

and i went to college

in washington dc,

but a lot of other more important things happened.

miley cyrus smoked salvia

wikileaks are a big deal

leslie nielsen died

hey arnold became retro

some prince got married

4lokos are starting to be banned

i wish these things didn't happen.

so i wouldn't have to change or grow older

Saturday, December 4, 2010

i think i get it.

i laid down on my bed today

i tried to remember or picture every single memory

of every single year




of my life.

I attempted to do this for hours

I thought i had remembered everything

but WAIT:

there was always a missing memory

oh theres a story!

how did i forget that!

remember that one time!

in the end it was impossible to capture it all.

i have only been alive for 19 years.

and my past is infinite.

i find comfort in this.

Friday, November 19, 2010


i almost lost two people close to me.

both suicidal.

i didn't know how to react.

i tried to help them. and my trying was enough it seems.

they are still here today.

a burden i don't know if i can carry.


my counselor teddy was going to join the army.

they were doing a routine test with bulletproof vests.

he was a sniper.

the test took place in a close combat situation, one they were not prepared for as snipers.

one of his friends was shot.

this is okay because the vest protects the first shot.

but not the second.

teddy quit the army because he lost a friend.

i lost a friend in school a few years later.

i quit school then too.

A Series

at summer camp

a girl savannah had a crush on me.

she asked me to go swimming with her

I told her i had just eaten a choco taco so my stomach was upset.

she was sad, but she went to swim on her own.

the real reason why I didn't go was because i was embarrassed about my weight.

also I had a crush on the girl from archery class.

she was short and had straight brown hair.

I made eye contact with her every day without saying a word.

I guess cupid is to blame.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


what is worse

getting noticed or wanting to be noticed.

i think they're both bad.

what if someone notices you because your mouth is too big

or because your eyes are lifeless like mine.

that would be unfortunate.

awkward does not describe

what i am. i am not some movie

michael cera nerd i am my own person

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Used to Be

im slowly forgetting everything.

when was today and how long ago was yesterday?

should i live completely in the present

or hold on to you?

what if i wrote a play about you.

could you forgive me then.

or would that make things worse.

i hope you talk to me again.

im too smart to be doing math.

i think i should be a poet.

but thats silly and asinine.

i cant be that confident!

Friday, July 23, 2010

The Man in Me

guess im ready to start growing up.

in a weird, existential, out of body expierence today, i saw how different i am now then 10th grade me.
at first this was one of the most depressing moments of my life, but now i think that it was just a moment. and thats whats important.

and as i sit here each song brings more moments, connecting the sad, happy, and neutral memories of the past.

Monday, May 10, 2010

These Days

haha its almost all over.

im not back there any more.

I'm not passing out in front of the TV during luke wilson's attempted suicide in The Royal Tenenbaums.

I'm watching it. And realizing that's where i am.
But I'm not in love with anyone and I never have been.
Except for maybe.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

adventure time.

I seem to return more and more to childhood.

free hair cuts in the kitchen.
trading pokemon for fun.
missing cartoon network episodes.
being cared for when you're hurt.
excited about the donuts there are.
and dreaming about what the future can be.

These thoughts won't last long. as we all fade.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


This is another poem i wrote at a party.
But this time i was outside and alone.

Why do you do this? The cold strikes you.
Feels like what you remember. A thought of yours will remain forever.
You do not deserve this. Make a change for truth and hope. I love you.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My Girls

I wrote this poem at a party while on the floor surrounded by attractive people.

Messes to be made.
Love to be found.
Pie to be eaten.

Hair products are acceptable.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Pyscho Killer

Sometimes life fights you.
But I love you still.
The lost ways of mind control.
The deeds of man,
Simplicity is key with your emotions.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Father and Son

Time really is winding down.
I keep saying "i want to get out of heeeerrrreeee" to most people i see.
But I know thats not true.

I don't think im more afraid than everyone else, or less.

I just dont want to regret more things.
And i dont want to look more like a fool to females.