Wednesday, March 30, 2011

adding machine

when i work i add up numbers.

i'll do it all day
just for that dollar.

2 plus negative 2 equals

i'll go now.
sleep will rest me.

when i sleep i add up sheep.


if you could be any animal, what would you be??

i would be a dog.
man is dog's best friend and it'd be a lot easier for me to avoid chocolate and other sweets.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


i guessed wrong

and its my fault

there isn't any winning

and there isn't any result.

warlocks aren't the idea

its the rocks that matter

i guess we all just have to


red cherries

for what is weed for?

but nothing.

nothing comes from it but things can

be imagined with it.

your ideas and imaginations will lead you to the easy path

and nothing will really make sense.

i guess moderations isn't in your


Saturday, March 5, 2011

oh i see you now

i guess im the scape goat.

no worries i'll be here

emotions on tap include:




and for a limited time only

romantic detachment