i almost lost two people close to me.
both suicidal.
i didn't know how to react.
i tried to help them. and my trying was enough it seems.
they are still here today.
a burden i don't know if i can carry.
i almost lost two people close to me.
both suicidal.
i didn't know how to react.
i tried to help them. and my trying was enough it seems.
they are still here today.
a burden i don't know if i can carry.
my counselor teddy was going to join the army.
they were doing a routine test with bulletproof vests.
he was a sniper.
the test took place in a close combat situation, one they were not prepared for as snipers.
one of his friends was shot.
this is okay because the vest protects the first shot.
but not the second.
teddy quit the army because he lost a friend.
i lost a friend in school a few years later.
i quit school then too.
at summer camp
a girl savannah had a crush on me.
she asked me to go swimming with her
I told her i had just eaten a choco taco so my stomach was upset.
she was sad, but she went to swim on her own.
the real reason why I didn't go was because i was embarrassed about my weight.
also I had a crush on the girl from archery class.
she was short and had straight brown hair.
I made eye contact with her every day without saying a word.
I guess cupid is to blame.
what is worse
getting noticed or wanting to be noticed.
i think they're both bad.
what if someone notices you because your mouth is too big
or because your eyes are lifeless like mine.
that would be unfortunate.
awkward does not describe
what i am. i am not some movie
michael cera nerd i am my own person